Recent projects

The following are some recent projects I lead

Domain Specific Language for “Variable Transformation” with PySpark

In quantitative finance, a sophisticated model system could consist of a large collection of supervised ...

CNN model for methane detection using remote sensing imagery

A convolutional neural network (CNN) model was built to predict trace-gas concentration from remote sensing ...


ripp stands for Remote-sensing Imagery Processing Pipelines. It is a python framework for remote sensing ...


The resolution function in direct geometry neutron chopper spectrometers are fascinating. They exist up to ...

Monte Carlo neutron ray-tracing simulations for neutron scattering experiments

MCViNE:  A software framework for Monte Carlo ray-tracing simulation of modern neutron instruments, including novel ...


Neutron Bragg edge modeling PublicationSource code ...

iMars3D: Neutron tomography reconstruction

A snapshot of a neutron CT reconstruction. Neutron has greater penetration depths and has different ...


Obtain phonon density of states from neutron DGS data, applying multiphonon corrections. Publicationsource code ...

Other projects

SEQUOIA detector calibration

Powder diffraction data were used to calibrate the position of detector packs for the SEQUOIA instrument. Slider view for comparing ...


First reduction software to reduce event data from a direct-geometry spectrometer. Reduction note for the first ARCS paper (also served ...


histogram is a simple python data object for storing data and metadata of histograms. It uses numpy for data arrays, ...


Pyre is an integration framework for high-performance computing based on python. DocumentationCode ...

Miscellaneous software projects

Various legacy software packages or small software projects I lead or contribute to. linux-64 conda recipe for MantidSNS jupyter environmentjupyter ...